In Sanskrit, 'Vedu' is concise wisdom of the spiritual world and knowledge of the material world. And 'Neetu' is one's code of conduct by using that wisdom and knowledge.
Life has to be meaningful, peaceful, and full of purpose. Yoga takes us there. Yoga, the word comes from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj', which means to unite. Ancient Yogis and scriptures tell us that it means to unite one's individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga is also one of the six dimensions of Indian philosophy: Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Sankhya, Mimamsa, Vedanta, and Yoga.
In the western world now, there are very different types of Yoga. The world in the west has also been more fascinated by the asanas or postures. Able to master the asanas is all good and is essential of course but certainly not the goal of it. The goal of it is to attain mastery over the mind and become one with universal consciousness. It is this that takes away all misery, despair, depression, and loneliness and fills one's heart with zeal, confidence, abundant optimism, and makes one's mind sharper and focused.
There are two schools of Yoga - Patanjali and Hatha. And all the other types that we hear are just different permutations of those. I grew up in India learning and practicing Yoga from the very beginning. The path and practices that these two schools teach us are a little different but take us to the same Thee.
Patanjali Yoga is also called Ashtanga Yoga - Path with eight dimensions. Swami Vivekananda referred to this as Raja Yoga As well. The eight dimensions or limbs as they are called are:
Yama -
Dhyan and
Hatha Yoga is also called Shadha Yoga - a path with six dimensions. The six limbs are:
Bandhas and
if you see above, asanas or postures are only one dimension of the complete Yoga practice. They are extremely important to gain the steadiness of a position and help gain success in contemplation, without any distraction of mind. But to achieve the full benefits of yoga, one has to learn and follow the complete practice that includes Dhyana, Pranayam, control of the breath and meditation. It is then one will see the magic happen.
Meditation is another very important aspect of Yoga; where one goes into deep silence and returns peaceful, tranquil, and simply happy. And achieving this through 'pranayama' is also very easy. Pranayama helps us in understanding, controlling, and then mastering the 'prana'. Prana - the life-giving force. Once we have mastered the prana the meditation comes naturally. And the benefits of meditation starts pouring on us as rains from the dark clouds. it will provide us the right sense of judgment, makes us better decision-maker and above all purifies the sources of thoughts. Buddha once said, what you think you become. With mastering the Prana - one reaches the source of thoughts and controls it. With practice, one shall see that he or she excels in any field of life, be it engineering, arts, business, medicine, or politics.
I am a lifelong student of Yoga and not a master in any way or form. I will tell you what I know and what I don't, I will tell you what the ancient Yogis said. I must also say, I have traveled the length and breadth of India and other beautiful nations, and I have never, yet, come across a true 'Yogi'. I have come across many philosophers, scholars, practitioners, and people who are on the journey to become true 'Yogis. I have learned a lot of life lessons from each of the persons I have met and I have nothing but a deep sense of respect and good wishes for all who have taught me. The funniest thing about all this is these learnings are not in a form of mathematical theorems or complex physics theory, rather in simple life stories that bring perspective, centeredness, and clarity in day to day life.
The physical fitness through asanas, the deep sense of self through meditation, and simple and funny stories through storytime is what VeduNetu is all about. It is my sincere hope that we are able to understand the real spiritual knowledge and live our life with it. And the little I know is what I want to share with you.